Equitable People Centred Health Measurement

Healthcare Provider
Resource Guide

The focus of this resource guide is on healthcare providers use of patient-centred measures (also known as patient-reported outcome measures) in their practice.

This guide provides information about the needs of healthcare providers to routinely incorporate of patient-centred measures at the point-of-care. Consideration is given to the barriers to mitigate and enablers to foster optimal adoption of patient-centred measures.

Note: Definition of terms used are found in the glossary below.

Resource Guide


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Who can make use of the guide?

The guide is designed to help healthcare providers incorporate any patient-centred measure/assessment tool into their practice and organizations to enhance patient-centred healthcare decisions [see patient-centred approach]. It highlights anticipated needs and circumstances (barriers and enablers) influencing providers to discuss practical information for sustained uptake of patient-centred measures.

As such, the guide can be used by healthcare providers, project managers, healthcare managers and leaders, government leaders and decision makers, patient stakeholder groups and post-secondary educational institutions.

What is included?

The goal is to facilitate routine use of patient-centred measures by healthcare providers in all practice areas.

General questions being answered are, for example:

  • What do providers need (e.g., knowledge and skill acquisition) to make use of these tools?
  • How can providers inform patient care by responding to the measurement results?
  • What motivates providers?
  • What strategies can be used to assist providers?
  • What factors enable providers for initial and sustained use?

How to use?

This resource guide provides practical information that complements existing user guides, resources, and tools about patient-centred measurement implementation with a specific focus on the healthcare providers.

This resource guide is based on the following assumptions:

  • Patient-centred measures are one type of information that is considered in the context of other clinical-based outcomes.
  • Patient-centred measures can aid in shared decision-making between providers and patients.
  • Routine incorporation of patient-centred measures in HPCs’ practice may have a positive impact on patient health outcomes.
  • Measurement is patient-driven in such a way that the tools are individualized or tailored for diverse patients and populations.
  • Patient-centred measures can be used within patient-provider encounters (individual level), rather than solely for quality and safety initiatives (meso or macro level).
  • Implementation of patient-centred measurement into clinical practice is a “complex intervention.”
  • Patient-centred measures being implemented by clinicians provide a fair representation of patients' needs, experiences, values, preferences and so forth.
  • Clinical care decisions are not solely determined by healthcare providers (see shared decision making).
  • A patient-centered approach or patient-centred care has been adopted by whomever is implementing patient-centred measures (nothing about us without us).
  • Patient-centred measures are one way that patient-provider therapeutic encounters can be more person-focused.

In healthcare, there is a goal to provide patient-centred care as a hallmark of achieving effective, quality health care. What this means is that care focuses on the needs and perspectives of the patient. As such, healthcare providers are faced with the challenge focus on what matters to the patient during their encounters with the healthcare system.

One problem that needs solving is: how do we assist health care providers to incorporate patient-centered measurement and how can providers routinely use this information to inform patients’ care?

To address these questions, we studied how providers can interpret and integrate data from patient-centered measures (assessment tools) into clinical care through a mixed-method systematic review (154 peer-reviewed articles), provider interviews (21 interviews), and stakeholder review of our findings at a deliberative dialogue forum (50 participants). The outcome of this rigorous research study is the Healthcare Provider Resource Guide that is based on implementation science frameworks (i.e., Consolidate Framework for Implementation Research, Theoretical Domains Framework, and the Capability, Opportunity, Motivation – Behavior Change Model (COM-B)).

Funder website:

The protocol for the systematic review is found here

Matrix Table [Document Forthcoming]

Environmental Scan [Document Forthcoming]

Research Funding: Guidelines for Healthcare Providers’ Application of Patient-Centred Measurement (PCM) Data in Practice (2019 to 2022) | Principal Investigator: A Wolff | Funder: BC Supporting Patient Oriented Research | $147,975

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Our Team

Our Publications

  •  Presentation: Wolff, A., Edwards, L., Gibson, Deborah., & Boyd, H. (2022, Jun). Designing Pre-Registration Curricula to Routinise the Incorporation of Patient Reported Outcomes in Healthcare Professional Practice. Quality of Life Research. The National Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) Annual Research Conference, Wales, United Kingdom, Virtual. Handout (PDF 671 KB)

  •  Webinar: Wolff, A.C. & Dresselhuis, A. (2021, Dec). Putting the horse before the cart: A resource guide about the needs of healthcare providers for the implementation of patient-centred measurement data in care. BC Support Unit, Methods Matters Webinar. Vancouver, BC. Available online:

  •  Presentation: Wolff, A., Oelke N.D., Thakkar, V., Dresselhuis, A. (2021, Oct). Using qualitative interviews and deliberative dialogue to triangulate systematic review findings about clinicians use of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) in daily practice. Quality of Life Research, 30(Suppl 1), S42. International Society of Quality of Life (ISOQOL), Annual Conference, Virtual. Video Recording and Handout (PDF 799 KB)

  •  Symposium: Wolff, A.C., Stover, A.M., Pompili, C., Mody, G., & Teela, L. (2021, Oct). Putting the horse before the cart: Understanding the needs and individual factors influencing clinicians’ behaviour to integrate proms in daily practice. Topic presented: User’s Guide for Clinicians to Integrate Patient-Reported Outcome Measures into Daily Practice: A Mixed Method Study. International Society of Quality of Life (ISOQOL), Annual Conference, Virtual. Handouts (PDF 1.5 MB)

  •  Poster: Wolff, A.C. (2021, Jul). Supporting clinicians to modify their everyday practice to integrate patient-reported outcome measures. Poster presented (with audio recording) at PROMs Down Under, Australia, Virtual. Poster (PDF 517 KB), Video Recording and Presentation (PDF 517 KB)

  •  Poster: Wolff, A.C. (2021, Jul) Healthcare providers' experience of incorporating the voice of patients: how to conduct a mixed method systematic review of non-experimental research using Nvivo. PROMs Down Under, Australia, Virtual. Poster (PDF 239 KB) and Presentation (PDF 1.8 MB)

  •  Publication: Wolff, A. C., Dresselhuis, A., Hejazi, S., Dixon, D., Gibson, D., Howard, A. F., ... & Edwards, L. (2021). Healthcare provider characteristics that influence the implementation of individual-level patient-centered outcome measure (PROM) and patient-reported experience measure (PREM) data across practice settings: a protocol for a mixed methods systematic review with a narrative synthesis. Systematic Reviews, 10(1), 1-12.

  •  Presentation: Edwards, L., Wolff, A., Dresselhuis, A., & Moseley J. (2021, Jun). The National Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) Annual Research Conference, Sheffield, United Kingdom, Virtual. Handouts (PDF 639 KB)

  •  Poster: Wolff, A., Dresselhuis, A., Dixon, D., Hejazi, S., Gibson, D., Astle, B., Liva, S. & Howard, F. (2020, Oct). Healthcare providers' implementation of patient-report outcome and experience measures in clinical practice: A mixed-method systematic review using an implementation science framework. Quality of Life Research, 29(Suppl 1), S133-S133). International Society of Quality of Life (ISOQOL), Annual Conference, Virtual. Poster (PDF 504 KB) and Handouts (PDF 374 KB)

Clinical-based Outcomes (or clinician-based) – Objective measures that clinicians perform for the assessment of a conditions (e.g., injury, illness, disease, impairment), interventions (e.g., treatment), physiological measures (e.g., blood pressure, strength, and bone density), and test results (e.g., lab values, x-ray).

Healthcare provider (HCP) – Also known as clinician, refers to individuals from any health discipline or profession that provide direct health services to patients, clients, and/or families. Providers are regulated or licensed healthcare professional; however, this may vary by country or jurisdiction. Common healthcare providers include but are not limited to registered nurses, nurse practitioners, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, physicians, social workers, dieticians, psychologists, pharmacists, and midwifes.

Patient-centred care (PCC) – The World Health Organization (WHO) (2019) defines person-centered care as care that is focused and organized around the health needs and expectations of people and communities rather than on diseases. People-centred care extends the concept of patient-centred care to individuals, families, communities, and society. Whereas patient-centred care is commonly understood as focusing on the individual seeking care—the patient—people-centred care encompasses these clinical encounters and also includes attention to the health of people in their communities and their crucial role in shaping health policy and health services. This guide specifically refers to patients or clients seeking care.

Patient-centred approach – A model of care that puts patients at the forefront of their health and care, ensures they retain control over their own choices, helps them make informed decisions and supports a partnership between individuals, families, and health care services providers. Patient-centered care incorporates the following key components: (a) self-management; (b) shared and informed decision-making; (c) an enhanced experience of health care; (d) improved information and understanding; and, (e) the advancement of prevention and health promotion activities. Reference document (PDF 327 KB).

Patient-centred measures or measurement (PCM) – Is an umbrella term used to include assessment tools for measuring patients’ experiences or outcomes. There are a variety of standardized and validated patient-centred measures (also referred to as assessment tools, instruments, or questionnaires) for HCPs to collect decision-aiding information from patients to better understand and address what matters to them. These tools are intended to make healthcare more person-centred, responsive, and efficient. For clinicians this may mean incorporating these tools within therapeutic encounters for screening, assessment, monitoring, planning, and evaluating care (e.g., interventions, treatment, referrals, and tests) as well as creating decision aids. There are two types of tools that assess either health status or experiences: patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) and patient-reported experience measures (PREMs).

Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs, also known as PROs) – These tools are used to measure patients’ health status in a standardized and quantitative manner at a point in time. These inquiries may capture how patients function or feel with respect to their health; disease condition and its treatment; or functional status, quality of life, or mental wellbeing.

Patient-reported experience measures (PREMs) – Measures that focus on how patients feel with respect to their health care or illness experience. PREMs are commonly used to solicit information about patient satisfaction with service delivery in a clinical setting, or describe patient experience of a therapy or plan of care.

Shared Decision Making – An approach where clinicians and patients share the best available evidence when faced with the task of making decisions, and where patients are supported to consider options, to achieve informed preferences. Achieving shared decision making depends on building a good relationship in the clinical encounter so that information is shared and patients are supported to deliberate and express their preferences and views during the decision making process (Elwyn et al., 2012,

Queries and Feedback

The field of integrating PCMs in clinical practice by healthcare providers is continuing to develop and evolve, and the web version of this Healthcare Provider Resource Guide will be updated periodically.

We welcome input regarding what you have found works (and doesn’t work) in your practice. Please send feedback and questions to Angela Wolff.

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